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17 February 2009

The People the Country Needs: Janet Drew

Whoops! She did it again!

It is many years now since we declared that Janet Drew's Sweet Pepper Relish was one of the most indispensable kitchen and table accoutrements. Since then, everyone and his wife have gone out and made a sweet pepper relish, but Ms Drew's remains the benchmark.
One benchmark in a lifetime is good, but two seems pretty amazing. Nevertheless, everyone and his wife will soon be going out and making a brown sauce, for Ms Drew's “Really Good Brown Sauce” is another of those products that blows everything else out of the water.
You dunk a good sausage roll into a little puddle of this, or maybe a good pork sausage, and you have sauce nirvana. RGBS is unctuous, sour-sweet, and it manages to hit those culinary pleasure points with deadly accuracy.
“No E's, no additives, no stabilisers – simply the best of ingredients cooked in the traditional ketchupy method”, says Janet.
The ketchupy method! Now, that's what the country needs.