For months now, it has been the phrase on everyone's lips: “Yes, We Can”.
From Barack Obama to will.i.am to every democrat you ever met, all had one simple message tied up in one little slogan: “Yes, We Can”.
But we have all been hiding a dark secret. A secret that covers up plagiarism, that reveals prejudice, prejudice against small little characters in hard hats with bib 'n' tucker trousers and checked shirts.
That's right: just cast your mind back. Say it: “Yes, We Can”.
Now, ask yourself this question: who do you remember first coining that phrase? Which icon, which colossus, which monument to masculinity first breathed those words to his dear sweet girl. And to his digger. And his dumper truck. And his cement mixer.
You remember now, don't you? You knew all along, didn't you?
Step forward the man who (probably) should today be the 44th President of the United States...
Bob the Builder.
Sing it proudly, Bob:
“Bob the Builder, can we fix it?
Bob the Builder, Yes, We Can.
Scoop, Muck and Dizzy, and Rolly too, Lofty and Wendy join the crew
Bob and the gang have so much fun, working together to get the job done.
Bb the Builder, can we fix it?
Bob the Builder, Yes, We Can”.
We hate, at this early juncture, to suggest that President Obama should resign.
But, you know, some reflection might be in order...